World's Leading Industrial Weights Provider

Hanging Weight

Hanging weights inserted with slotted weights
Hanging weights made up of brass and stainless Steel
final look of using hanging weights with slotted weights

Scale– 10g – 20kg

Class – E2, M2, M1, F2, F1

Material– Stainless steel, Brass


Stainless Steel Slotted Weights are typically used with a hanging weight (or hanger) that also has its weight calibrated so it can be used as part of the overall weight. The interlocking design helps secure a stack of slotted weights onto a hanger. Hanging Weights are available in a variety of lengths and weight capacities. Each weight has the nominal value stamped into the top side of the weight except E1 E2 class. Several Stainless Steel Slotted Weights may be used together to build up from a minimum weight to a maximum test load. The hanger weight selected should be able to accommodate the total load needed.

To determine which hanging weight will accommodate your weights, use the stem height of the hanger as the maximum height, then use the thickness dimension of each weight along with the quantity you intend to place on the hanger to determine the total height of your stack of weights. The height of your stack of weights should be less than the length of the hanger. Slotted Weights above 10g have adjusting cavities. Weights below 10g are adjusted by polishing of weights to remove extra material. Hanger weight have adjusting capacity as well.

We can amend the design (Length) of Hanging weights.

Two piece construction

Application: Stainless Steel Slotted Weights are used in a variety of applications such as pressure, torque, and tensile strength testing.

Suggested markets: Recommended applications for Stainless Steel Slotted Weights include, but are not limited to, torque calibrations and tensile strength testing.

Polishing: All surfaces are polished to a perfect, mirror-like finish and meet or exceed OIML R 111 specifications.

Casing: Individual/ set of weights packed in polished wooden box line with velvet and provided with forces+ gloves. We customize casing according to our customer needs.